A new Franklin & Marshall Poll released Wednesday shows 40 percent of those polled believe the benefits of natural gas drilling outweigh environmental damage. At the same time the poll found protecting the state’s environment was third on the most important list of problems facing Pennsylvania at 19 percent; 31 percent believe unemployment and the economy are the state’s most important problem, followed by schools and school funding.
Poll: Majority Of Pennsylvanians Support Gas Drilling
Poll: Majority Of PA Voters Support Drilling, Want It Done Safely
Poll: Most Support Gas Drilling, Not In State Forests
Corbett Poll Numbers Better, OK With Ending Gay Discrimination
Poll: Corbett Speaks What He Believes, But Few Like It
Poll: Corbett Out Of Step With Voters
Will Low Support Sink Corbett’s 2nd Term?
Support For Second Corbett Term Stays Low
Corbett Popularity Stalls, Support For Medical Pot, Gay Marriage
Corbett In Trouble Shows Keystone State Poll