Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

February 4-- Governor’s Budget Address.  Noonish.

February 4-- House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 1684 (Everett-R-Lycoming) guaranteeing minimum royalty payments to oil and gas well owners-- sponsor summary.  Room G-50 Irvis Building. 9:00.

February 4-- NEW. Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1149 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) regulating the application of fertilizer on lawns, golf courses and athletic fields-- sponsor summary.  Rules Room.  Off the Floor.

February 4-- Agenda Released. DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board meeting. Delaware Room, 16th Floor Rachel Carson Building. 8:30.

February 5-- Legislative Budget & Finance Committee meets on House Resolution 129 (Causer-R-Cameron) directing the Committee to study the combination of Game and Fish and Boat Commissions- sponsor summary.  Hearing Room 3, North Office Building. 9:30.

February 5-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Camp Hill, Prosser Hall, Camp Hill Borough Building. 9 to noon.  (formal notice) Click Here to register.

February 6-- Agenda Released. Susquehanna River Basin Commission holds a public hearing on proposed water withdrawals.  Room 8E-B East Wing, Capitol Building, Harrisburg.  2:30. (formal notice)

February 6-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Conshohocken, Fire Academy, Montgomery County Public Safety Training Campus. 9 to noon. (formal notice)  Click Here to register.

February 10-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Governor’s Budget Office, 3:00- Independent Fiscal Office.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building 

February 10-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00- Independent Fiscal Office.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 10-- Environmental Quality Board hearing on Chapter 78 Oil and Gas Regulation Changes. Troy High School, 150 High St., Troy, Bradford County. 6:00 p.m. Click Here for more information 

February 11-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Attorney General, 3:00 Auditor General.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February 11-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Auditor General, 2:00- Attorney General.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 11-- Agenda Released. DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

February 12-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 11:00- PA Emergency Management Agency. Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 12-- Environmental Quality Board hearing on Chapter 78 Oil and Gas Regulation Changes.Warren County Courthouse, 204 4th Ave., Warren. 6:00 p.m. Click Here for more information.

February 12-- Agenda Released. State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting.  10th Floor Conference Room Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

February 13-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Public Utility Commission. Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February 18-- House Game and Fisheries Committee informational meeting to receive the Game Commission annual report.  Room 60 East Wing. 1:00 

February 18-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Dept. of Revenue, 3:00- Dept. of Environmental Protection.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February 18-- Environmental Quality Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

February 18-- DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 11:00.

February 19-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:00- Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources. Hearing Room 1, North Office Building 

February 19-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Public Utility Commission, 11:00- PUC Office of Consumer Affairs/Small Business Advocate, 1:00- Dept. of Environmental Protection. Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 19-- House Game and Fisheries Committee informational meeting on House Resolution 129 (Causer-R-Cameron) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study the merger of Game and Fish and Boat Commission-- sponsor summary.  Room 60 East Wing. 9:00.

February 19-- House Game and Fisheries Committee information meeting to receive the Fish and Boat Commission’s annual report.  Room 60 East Wing.  1:00.

February 19-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Nanticoke, Educational Conference Center, Luzerne County Community College. 9 to noon. (formal notice) Click Here to register.

February 20-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 3:00- PA Emergency Management Agency.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February  20-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Boalsburg, Pennsylvania Military Museum. 9 to noon. (formal notice)  Click Here to register.

February 20-- DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15.

February 21-22-- NEW. Keystone Coldwater Conference. Ramada Inn Conference Center, State College.

February 24-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 3:30- Dept. of Agriculture.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 24— DEP Keystone Energy Education Workshop. Vincent College Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Contact: Susan Gove at 412-431-1010 or email:

February 25-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Dept. of Transportation, 3:00- Dept. of Agriculture. Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February 25-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 11:30- Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 25-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Wexford, Pine Township Recreation Center. 9 to noon. (formal notice)  Click Here to register.

February 26-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Dept. of Transportation.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

February 26-- DEP public hearing on proposed changes to the Cumberland, Dauphin, Lebanon, York counties State Air Quality Implementation Plan for particulates.  Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg.  10:00. (formal notice)

February 26--  DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Workshop. Clarion Clarion Holiday Inn. 9 to noon. (formal notice)  Click Here to register.

February 26-- DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting. DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00.

February 27-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: (Reserved).  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.

February 27-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30- Governor’s Budget Office, 1:00-- House Member Testimony.  Room 140 Main Capitol.

March 4-- NEW. DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

March 5-- NEW. House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a hearing on public safety and emergency preparedness surrounding the rail transportation of crude oil.  Eddystone Fire Company, 1112 E. 7th St., Eddystone.  9:30.

March 5-- NEW. DEP Sewage Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:30.

March 5-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Program webinar.  10:00. (formal notice)  Click Here to register.

March 6-- NEW. DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

March 6-- NEW. DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting.  12th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

March 11-- NEW. DEP Board Of Coal Mine Safety meeting.  DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg.  10:00.

March 15-- NEW. Schuylkill Watershed Congress. Montgomery County Community College Pottstown campus.

March 18-- NEW. Environmental Quality Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

March 18-- Time Change. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

March 19-- NEW. House Game and Fisheries Committee holds a hearing on deer management.  Room B-31 Main Capitol. 9:00.

March 19-- NEW. DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30.

March 19-- NEW. DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting.  14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

March 19-- NEW. State Board for Certification of Sewage Enforcement Officers meeting. 11th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

March 27-- CANCELED. DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting.  The next scheduled meeting is June 26.  (formal notice)

April 10-11-- NEW. West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium. Toftrees Golf Resort and Conference Center, State College.

June 26-27-- NEW. Pennsylvania Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference. Ramada Inn and Conference Center, State College.

September 25-- NEW. Penn State Extension Youth Water Educator’s Summit. The Central Hotel and Conference Center, Harrisburg.

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages.

DEP Calendar of Events

Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget.  The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website.

Senate Committee Schedule                House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.

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