This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
March 1-- SW PA Air Quality Partnership Let's Clear The Air Poster Challenge
March 3-- Coca-Cola Recycling Bin Grant Program
March 3-- PHMC Keystone Historic Preservation Grants
March 5--CFA Alternative And Clean Energy Program
March 5-- CFA High Performance Building Program
March 7-- Extended. Philadelphia Water Dept. Student Street Art Contest
March 7-- PA Section AWWA Fresh Ideas Student Presentation Competition
March 14-- DEP Host Municipality Inspector Grants
March 14-- PA American Water Stream Of Learning College Scholarship
March 21-- WREN Water Resource Education, Source Water Collaborative Grants
March 28-- Delaware Highlands Conservancy College Scholarships
March 28-- PA American Water Protect Our Watersheds Art Contest
March 28-- NEW. Delaware Valley Air & Waste Management College Scholarships
March 31-- PA American Water Environmental Grant Program
April 7-- NEW. PA Wilds Champion of the PA Wilds Award
April 15-- DCNR Student Careers ECO Camp
April 16-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants
April 30-- Northeast PA Audubon Society College Scholarship
May 7--CFA Alternative And Clean Energy Program
May 7-- CFA High Performance Building Program
May 14-- PennVEST Water Infrastructure Financing
May 23-- KPB Great American Cleanup Of PA Video Contest
May 30-- NEW. DEP Alternative Energy Vehicle Conversion Grants
June 30-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program
July 7-- CFA Alternative And Clean Energy Program
July 7-- CFA High Performance Building Program
September 19--CFA Alternative And Clean Energy Program
September 19-- CFA High Performance Building Program
October 31-- Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Digital Photo Contest
-- Visit the DEP Grants and Loan Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
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