Rep. Vitali Files Right-To-Know Request On Additional State Forest Gas Leasing

Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, filed a Right-to-Know request, seeking additional details on the Corbett Administration's plan to raise $75 million through additional so called "non-impact surface drilling" in state parks and forests. This plan was contained in the budget proposal unveiled by the Governor on February 4.

Specifically, Rep. Vitali has asked the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to detail which parks and forests it is considering for additional drilling, how many acres would be leased, the calculations used to determine the $75 million figure, which drilling companies have expressed an interest, and information about environmental impacts of drilling already occurring on state land. The records are being requested for the time period of 2010 until the present.

"We have been compelled to take this action because this information has not been forthcoming from the Corbett Administration," said Rep. Vitali. "It is simply not believable that Gov. Corbett could propose such a plan without having an estimate of how many acres they would need to lease and what state parks and forests might be impacted. The governor's proposal cannot be properly considered by the legislature without this information. Additionally, the public needs this information to give us their input on Corbett’s proposal.”

Under the state's Right-To-Know Law, DCNR has five business days to respond to the request. If necessary, DCNR can extend the time for a response up to 30 days. Otherwise, DCNR must grant the request, deny it, or deny in part and grant in part. Denial of access would have to include a reason for the denial.

Governor’s Office Response

Patrick Henderson, the Governor’s Energy Executive, responded by letter to Rep. Vitali’s Right-to-Know press release.  The text follows—

Dear Rep. Vitali:

Your recent press release announcing that you had filed a Right-to-Know request with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) deserves a response.

While DCNR’s Right-To-Know office will review and respond to our request appropriately, it is irresponsible and offensive to state that Governor Corbett’s proposal is “not believable” and that you have not received the information you have requested.  To date, you have chosen to draw conclusions and jury accusations about this proposal through multiple press conferences, newsletters and press releases.  You also had numerous questions responded to by DCNR Secretary Ellen Ferretti at the House Appropriations Committee’s recent public hearing.  Not once— on this or any other substantive policy mater— have you sought over the past three years to have a meeting to sit down and have a rational discussion with the Governor’s Office.

Your recent actions are transparently political and Hypocritical.  Just a few short years ago, in October 2009, you voted for a budget under former Governor Rendell that legally compelled DCNR to raise $60 million for FY’09-’10 from the leasing of state forest land for natural gas development (Act 50 of 2009). And in July 2010, you again voted for a budget under former Governor Rendell that legally compelled DCNR to raise $180 million for FY ’10-’11 from the leasing of state forest land for natural gas development (Act 46). These transfers to the General Fund, totaling $240 million, also do not include $100 million that was allocated over two years from the Oil and Gas Lease Fund to underwrite DCNR’s operations.

Governor Corbett’s proposal prohibits entering into any new leases that would result in new or additional surface activity on state-owned lands.  However, the budgets you voted for had no such restriction on surface activity; contained significantly higher revenue requirements than are currently under consideration; were amended into the budget very late in the process; and perhaps most importantly, preceded the enactment of significant enhancements to Pennsylvania’s environmental protection laws (Act 13) championed by Governor Corbett.

If you have an interesting a reasoned discussion on Governor’s Corbett’s proposals, please contact me.


Patrick Henderson

Deputy Chief of State & Energy Executive


Vitali Demands Documents Behind Corbett Drilling Plan

Corbett Energy Executive Calls Vitali Drilling Comments Irresponsible

Op-Ed: Corbett Drilling Proposal Misses The Point Of Moratorium


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