DEP Approves Permit For Knoebel Hog Farm In Columbia County

The Department of Environmental Protection Wednesday announced it has approved a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permit application submitted by Joel Knoebel for his existing hog operation in Cleveland Township, Columbia County.

“The department has carefully reviewed this application and determined that it meets all the applicable federal and state requirements,” DEP Northcentral Regional Director Marcus Kohl said. “The issuance of this permit allows DEP to maintain clear, regulatory oversight of this facility, thus ensuring protection of the environment and nearby residents.”

DEP provided significant opportunities for public input throughout its review process. In mid-December 2013, the department conducted a combined public meeting and hearing in Elysburg that was attended by about 40 citizens, with six presenting testimony.

Knoebel was first issued an NPDES CAFO permit for this existing operation by DEP on June 3, 2008, which expired on June 2, 2013. In early August 2013, DEP and Knoebel signed a consent order and agreement that required Knoebel to submit a new NPDES CAFO application by September 30, 2013.

The new permit is valid for five years.

Individuals interested in reviewing the comment and response document can go to the DEP Northcentral Regional Office Community Information webpage.


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