Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


Royalty Payments: Senate Bill 1237 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) prohibiting gas companies from retaliating against royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells by terminating their lease agreement and Senate Bill 1238 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) requiring gas companies to fill a satisfaction piece in the county Recorder of Deeds office when oil and gas leases are terminated (amended) were reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and are now on the Senate Calendar for action.

Stormwater: Senate Bill 1255 (Erickson-R- Delaware) authorizing municipal authorities to establish programs that allow property owners to reduce their stormwater rates and changes by implementing best management practices- sponsor summary-- was reported from the Senate Local Government Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action. 

Lawn Fertilizer: Senate Bill 1149 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) regulating fertilizer for use on turf was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Three Mile Island: House Resolution 751 (Markosek-D-Allegheny) a resolution remembering the March 28, 1979 accident at Three Mile Island was adopted by the House-- sponsor summary.


Emerald View Park Trail: House Resolution 583 (Molchany-D-Allegheny) designating January 13-19 Mt. Washington Emerald View Park Trail Week was adopted by the House.


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