Corbett Issues Proclamation Celebrating April 22 As Earth Day

Gov. Tom Corbett Tuesday issued a proclamation recognizing April 22, 2014 as “Earth Day” in Pennsylvania.  This year’s celebration marks the 44th anniversary of the first Earth Day, a movement which elevated the nation’s consciousness and awareness of environmental stewardship and civic duty.

This year’s theme, “Pick It Up – Pennsylvania,” is aimed at encouraging continued citizen involvement in helping to beautify Pennsylvania by collecting and properly recycling or disposing of litter across the commonwealth.  Corbett noted that in 2013, over 137,000 volunteers across Pennsylvania collected 6.1 million pounds of litter along the commonwealth’s roadways, trails and shorelines.

“Pennsylvania is a beautiful place to live, work and raise a family,” Corbett said. “We are blessed with abundant natural resources, park and forestlands, and we have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to be good stewards of Penn’s Woods. We are also blessed with tremendous volunteers and community organizations who help to beautify and protect these natural resources.”

“While we celebrate Earth Day today, we are reminded that every day is an opportunity to care for and improve upon our environment,” Corbett said.

The text of the proclamation follows--                         

WHEREAS, “Pick it up PA” — Pennsylvania’s theme for Earth Day 2014— is committed to raising awareness and encouraging citizens to participate in initiatives and efforts that will help keep our state clean and beautiful; and

WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s agencies such as the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) work year round to keep Pennsylvania’s resources pollutant-free and healthy; and

WHEREAS, each year DEP and PennDOT work together with Keep America Beautiful to sponsor the Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania; and

WHEREAS, in 2013, more than 137,000 volunteers dedicated their time to help collect 6.1 million pounds of litter from Pennsylvania’s roads, trails and shorelines; and

WHEREAS, DEP is sponsoring several cleanups and outreach events on Earth Day; and

WHEREAS, DEP is awarding 111 Environmental Education Grants totaling more than $309,000 in honor of Earth Day; and

WHEREAS, DCNR’s managers oversee 120 state parks and welcome about 38 million visitors annually; and

WHEREAS, DCNR’s foresters oversee the 2.2 million-acre state forest system to a level where it is independently certified as “well-managed”; and

WHEREAS, DCNR’s recreation professionals have assisted all Pennsylvania counties and more than half of all communities in meeting their recreation and conservation needs; and

WHEREAS, together, DCNR’s parks and forests will be hosting a variety of special Earth Day events statewide to foster public appreciation of public lands by encouraging visitation and volunteerism and a commitment to keeping such lands clean and green; and

WHEREAS, DCNR’s bureaus of state parks and forestry again are active supporters and participants in the coming Get Outdoors Day on June 14, 2014 and National Public Lands Day on September 27, 2014; and

WHEREAS, cleanup programs play a huge role in keeping Pennsylvania well-maintained through cleaner roadsides and communities.

THEREFORE, in special recognition of the aforementioned efforts and dedication of the Commonwealth’s state agencies and volunteers, I, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2014 as EARTH DAY in Pennsylvania.  I encourage all citizens to get involved and join the thousands of devoted volunteers who help to beautify the state.


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