Corbett Announces Carbon Sequestration Partnership With Wyoming, Other Coal States

Gov. Tom Corbett Tuesday announced a new partnership with Wyoming Gov. Matthew H. Mead and governors of other major coal-producing states to address the need to effectively deal with carbon emissions from electric generating facilities by developing a test center, to be located at an operating coal-fired electric generation facility, to explore the potential of carbon capture and utilization.

The announcement was made at the Nemacolin Energy Institute’s 3rd Annual Coal Conference in Farmington, Fayette County.

“American-produced coal powers our homes and our economy, and through this partnership we will explore, test and develop commercially available methods to capture carbon emissions and either utilize them productively, or properly dispose of them,” said Corbett.

Gov. Corbett also noted that, on April 10, 2014, the Department of Environmental Protection submitted a white paper to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , urging them to consider state differences and needed flexibility when developing emissions guidelines addressing carbon dioxide (CO2) standards for existing fossil fuel-fired power stations.

The department’s white paper presents an innovative and flexible framework for achieving lower CO2 emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired power plants and urges the EPA to preserve the authority and discretion of states in the development and implementation of emission control programs.

“An EPA mandate that does not provide for an ‘all of the above’ energy approach that does not recognize Pennsylvania’s diverse energy resources would compromise electric grid reliability, increase the cost of energy and result in significant job loss,” said Corbett. “We need innovation and flexibility to ensure that we are protecting our environment, while also securing the thousands of jobs that so many families in Pennsylvania’s coal industry rely on.”

In addition to providing the conference’s keynote address, the governor also participated in a roundtable discussion with workers and families from Pennsylvania’s coal-dependent communities.

“This morning, 14 hard-working people from the western region took time to share their personal stories with me about how they, and the towns in which they live are impacted by coal industry jobs,” said Corbett.  “A lot of discussions around this issue focus on numbers.  But behind each number is a person, working to provide for his or her family. This issue is very real to people and their lives are impacted daily. Federal regulators need to start listening and working with us, not against us.”


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