DEP Citizens Advisory Council Agenda: Natural Gas, Carbon Emissions, Water Quality

The agenda for the May 21 DEP Citizens Advisory Council includes presentations and discussion about the 2012 natural gas emissions inventory, DEP comments on EPA’s carbon emission reduction rule and the 2014 Water Quality Assessment Report.

Council will also hear from DEP’s new Director of the Office of External Affairs, Katie Hetherington-Cunfer.

DEP provided Council with its regular monthly report for May.  Highlights include:

-- Drilling Regulations: DEP expects to present a summary of the comments it has received on the Chapter 78 drilling regulations at the June 26 meeting of the Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board and an initial draft final rulemaking to the Advisory Board at its September 25 meeting.

-- Auditor General’s Oil & Gas Program Audit: DEP has received a draft of the audit report and has conducted closeout interviews with Auditor General staff. DEP anticipates Auditor General publication of the final report in the coming weeks.  The Auditor General has conducted over 40 interviews, including visits to three regional offices and a tour of the DEP laboratory. DEP has actively worked to educate the audit staff on this very technical industry by demonstrating our process for field inspections and the scientific analysis that goes into researching and resolving complaints. DEP has submitted over 5,300 pages of information and over 2 million records from its eFACTS database so as to give a comprehensive look into our processes that cross disciplines and is ever evolving with legislative and regulatory improvements.

-- Regional Agricultural Watershed Assessment Program: DEP is continuing a pilot program to promote compliance at agricultural operations with 8 watersheds throughout the state this year working with conservation districts and other partners.  The watersheds include: Beaver Creek Headwaters, Bedford County; the Tohicken, Deer Run and Wolf Run watersheds in Bucks County; Goose Run, Indiana County; Mahantango Creek, Schuylkill County; and Kaiser Run, Union County.

-- Ashley Fund and Kids Climate Change Petition: A draft report and recommendation on the petition by DEP was sent to the petitioners on April 16 for comment by May 16.  The petitioner requested additional time for their comments which should be back to DEP by May 30.  DEP’s report and recommendation along with the petitioner’s comments will be be placed on the Environmental Quality Board agenda in June or July.

The Council meeting will be held in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building starting at 10:00.

For more information, visit the DEP Citizens Advisory Council webpage.


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