Scrapbook Photo 01/06/25 - 116 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Citizens Advisory Council Releases 2013 Annual Report, Has Vacancies

The Citizens’ Advisory Council to the Department of Environmental Protection Wednesday released its annual report detailing activities and accomplishments from 2013 which will be distributed to the General Assembly and the Governor.

“Council plays an integral role in helping to shape environmental policy in the Commonwealth by highlighting those issues that are most important to the citizens of this state,” said Terry Dayton, CAC Chairman, encouraging the governor, legislators, DEP and the public to be part of the dialogue.

Dayton also said the CAC is in a unique position to provide advice to DEP because it reflects a broad and diverse perspective.

“Through recommendations provided by council, DEP implemented a number of enhancements in 2013, including measures to strengthen public participation. We look forward to working with DEP in the future to continue this productive relationship,” Dayton said.

Some key accomplishments of Council in 2013 include--

-- Through presentations to Council and questions from Council members, provided oversight on DEP programs related to: Chesapeake Bay Program, Act 13 drilling impact fees, Air Quality GP-5 Exemption for certain natural gas production facilities, private water well testing, State Water Plan implementation, the Permit Decision Guarantee Policy implementation, the TENORM study of radiation levels in the development, production and distribution of natural gas and other programs;

-- Invited the public and stakeholders to suggest improvements to DEP’s regulatory and technical guidance development process and made recommendations to DEP;

-- Provided comments on other important public participation policies, including in the permit review process, a Citizens Guide To Regulatory Development and a policy for using Community Environmental Projects;

-- Reviewed the development of DEP’s next five-year report on the impacts of longwall mining under Act 54;

-- Reviewed issues related to legislative proposals to set private water well construction standards, protecting endangered species and building relationships with Senate and House members;

-- Reviewed and provided comments on several Air Quality regulations as required by statute; and

-- Council members also served on and participated in meetings of the Environmental Quality Board, Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board and the Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board

A copy of the report is available online.

“In addition to its program and regulatory review role, the Citizens’ Advisory Council plays a key role in our efforts to ensure transparency at the department,” DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo said. “Several DEP outreach tools are directly attributable to the recommendations from council. Working with Council helps to make the department more responsive to the public and the industry so that we are able to address their important issues and concerns.”

The CAC was established in 1971 by the same law that created DEP’s predecessor, the Department of Environmental Resources. Its 18 appointed members review the agency’s work and key environmental issues facing the Commonwealth and make recommendations to the DEP secretary, governor and General Assembly. The council’s office is located in the Rachel Carson State Office Building in Harrisburg.

Council Vacancies

Appointments to serve on CAC rest with the Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Currently Council has vacant positions from all three appointing authorities. Persons interested in serving on the CAC should contact the offices of the appointing authorities directly.

The Act that established the CAC notes that appointees should be knowledgeable in fields related to the work of the department such as ecology, limnology, toxicology, pharmacology, organiculture and industrial technology.

The CAC seeks to represent all people of the Commonwealth and bring a collective view of the public interest in environmental protection and natural resources through a diversity of personal experiences and perspectives.

For more information, visit the DEP Citizens Advisory Council webpage.  The next meeting of the Council is June 17.  The June meeting will not only feature a regular agenda of items, but also a field visit to a farm in Cumberland County to view best management practices that protect soil and water quality.


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