Scrapbook Photo 01/06/25 - 116 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Vote For Your Favorite Great American Cleanup Of PA Video

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is requesting your help to choose the winner of the 2014 Great American Cleanup of PA video. Go to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Facebook page and like your favorite video!

Voting begins June 2nd and ends on June 13th. Winners will be announced the week of June 16th.

“It’s exciting to see Pennsylvanian’s involved in the Great American Cleanup of PA and cleaning up their local communities. What we saw was a lot of partnerships, a lot of trash being picked up and a lot of people having fun doing it,” says Shannon Reiter, president of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.  “We are anxious to see who is chosen as this year’s winner.”

Cash prizes, sponsored by the PA Waste Industries Association, are $200 for the winning entry and $100 each for two runners up.

Additional sponsors for the video contest are Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and the Department of Environmental Protection.


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