Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

August 5-- Agenda Released. DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board meeting.  Delaware Room, Rachel Carson Building. 8:30.

August 5-- DCNR Wild Resource Conservation Program hearing on funding applications.  6th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.  (formal notice)

August 7--  Agenda Released. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15.

August 7-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission holds a public hearing on requests for consumptive water use.  Room 8E-B, East Wing, Capitol Building, Harrisburg.  2:30. (formal notice)

August 12-- CANCELED. DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.  (formal notice)

August 18-- DEP hearing on proposed changes to natural gas compressor station in Milford, Pike County. Delaware Valley High School, 256 U.S. Route 6, Milford. 6 to 9 p.m. (news release notice)

August 19-- Environmental Quality Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:00.

August 19-- Environmental Quality Board holds a public hearing on proposed regulations setting emission standards from fiberglass boat manufacturing materials.  DEP Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Dr., Pittsburgh. 1:00.  (formal notice)

August 20-- Environmental Quality Board holds a public hearing on proposed regulations setting emission standards from fiberglass boat manufacturing materials.  DEP Regional Office, 2 East Main St., Norristown. 1:00.  (formal notice)

August 20-- CANCELED. DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting.  DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00. (formal notice)

August 20-- DEP holds a public hearing on a proposed revision of the State Air Quality Implementation Plan for the Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority western regional treatment plant in Chester. DEP Regional Office, 2 East Main St., Norristown.  1:00.  (formal notice)

August 21-- Environmental Quality Board holds a public hearing on proposed regulations setting emission standards from fiberglass boat manufacturing materials.  DEP Offices, Room 105 Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg. 1:00.  (formal notice)

August 26-- DEP hearing on cleanup of former Lock Haven Laundry Property Clinton County. Lock Haven City Hall, 20 East Church St., Lock Haven.  6:30.  (news release notice)

September 3-- DEP hearing on proposed attainment demonstration for Lower Beaver Valley Nonattainment Area for 2008 lead standard. DEP Southwest Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Dr., Pittsburgh.  1:00.  (formal notice)

September 9-- CANCELED. DEP Board Of Coal Mine Safety meeting.  DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg. 10:00. (formal notice)

September 10-- DEP Sewage Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:30. (formal notice)

September 16-- DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting.  12th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.  (formal notice)

September 22-- NEW.  Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Conservation Committee.  Pennsylvania’s abandoned Turnpike, a 13-mile stretch of the original Turnpike in Bedford and Fulton counties and plans to turn it into a scenic, recreational biking trail.  Room 8E-A East Wing.  11:00. (Note time.)

September 24--DEP Board Of Coal Mine Safety meeting.  DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg. 10:00. (formal notice)

September 25-- Penn State Extension Youth Water Educator’s Summit. The Central Hotel and Conference Center, Harrisburg.

October 6-- NEW. Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Conservation Committee. Keep PA Beautiful will present its recommendations for significantly reducing illegal dumping in Pennsylvania. Room 8E-A East Wing.  Noon. (Note time.)

October 15-- DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages.

DEP Calendar of Events

Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget.  The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website.

Senate Committee Schedule                House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.

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