Scrapbook Photo 01/06/25 - 116 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PPL Electric Utilities Unveils Newest Tool For Saving Energy And Money

There’s a new tool for PPL Electric Utilities residential customers looking to save energy and money.

Personalized energy use videos are now available, giving residential customers a unique view into their electricity use – how it compares to the prior season, and how it compares to the average use for all customers.

“The videos join our energy efficiency programs and shopping for electricity supply as primary ways customers can stretch their energy dollar,” said Pete Cleff, manager of the utility’s energy efficiency programs. “We encourage everyone to take advantage of all these tools to get the best results.”

Since two-thirds of the average residential bill is for electricity supply, PPL Electric Utilities urges all of its customers to shop for the deal that’s best for them. More than 650,000 customers already shop.

The new customer videos can help residential customers see how much power they are using during a particular season. The utility’s energy-efficiency programs can help them use that electricity wisely.

The information in the video serves as a prompt to customers so they can determine if their electricity use for that season is reasonable for their situation. It also reminds customers of the many tools PPL Electric Utilities has on its website to help them monitor and reduce their electricity use and manage their electric account, Cleff said.

Customers who have already registered on PPL Electric Utilities website received an email with a link to their personalized video.

“Those who don’t have an online profile with us still can get their video by visiting PPL’s My Energy Use webpage. All they need to do is enter their account number, name and email address. Their custom video will be generated instantly,” Cleff said.

The energy use videos come at an opportune time. “Last winter’s extreme cold won’t be easily forgotten. Those frigid conditions alone caused electricity use to spike,” Cleff noted. “But for some customers on variable-price electricity supply contracts, the effects were multiplied because of spiking power prices that resulted in extremely high bills.”

Shopping customers are reminded to double-check that they’re buying power the way they want.

“There is a price risk associated with variable-rate electricity supply contracts, and customers have to decide what level of risk they’re comfortable with,” Cleff said. “We want them to be sure to understand the terms of their current or potential contract and also find out whether there are early termination fees.”

Customers can check all electricity supply offers — both fixed-rate and variable-rate — for their area at PPL Electric Utilities will deliver power from any supplier customers choose.


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