PEC Urges Senators To Oppose Bill Eliminating Stream Buffers In HQ, EV Watersheds

The PA Environmental Council Tuesday wrote to all members of the Senate Tuesday urging them to oppose House Bill 1565 (Hahn-R-Northampton) eliminating the nearly 4 year old requirement for stream buffers in High Quality and Exceptional Value streams if it comes up for a vote in the five remaining days of legislative session.

The bill is also opposed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the PA Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, the Fish and Boat Commission, PA Council of Trout Unlimited, PA Federation of Sportsmen’s ClubsPA League of Women Voters and former DEP Secretary David E. Hess.

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, October 6 to consider House Bill 1565.

The text of the PEC letter follows--

On behalf of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC), I am writing to express our opposition to House Bill 1565 (P.N. 4116). This legislation would eliminate the existing requirement of a riparian buffer or forested riparian buffer for new development requiring a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit in a High Quality or Exceptional Value watershed.

It is important to note that the existing buffer requirement is only triggered by the need for an NPDES permit in those limited watersheds, and therefore does not apply to existing landowners and their current land use. Further, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (Department) regulations (25 Pa Code Section 102.14) already provide a long list of exceptions to the buffer requirement.

This requirement can also be exempted through a waiver from the Department. In her January 29, 2014 testimony before the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, Deputy Secretary for Water Management Kelly Heffner could not recall a single instance where such a waiver was denied.

In other words, existing law already provides ample flexibility. Passage of this legislation could in fact invite new federal review of permitting activities in Pennsylvania; particularly in the Susquehanna / Chesapeake Bay watershed where targeted pollution reduction requirements and strategies are already in play.

Riparian buffers prevent property damage and the expense of flooding, an issue that has been a priority for the General Assembly over the past several years. Buffers also dramatically reduce stormwater management costs; help keep streams free of sediment; reduce the cost of treating water for potable uses; and in general, promote and sustain healthier communities.

House Bill 1565 is unnecessary and could result in undesired consequences for Pennsylvania. For additional perspective, please see this note from David Hess, former Secretary of the Department.

We strongly urge you to oppose this bill. Thank you for your consideration.

John Walliser

Vice President, Legal & Government Affairs

Pennsylvania Environmental Council

Click Here to find your Senator and tell them to vote NO on House Bill 1565, House Bill 2354 and to bring House Bill 343 up for a vote before it’s too late.


Editorial: Don’t Reduce Streamside Buffer Zones

Letter: Buffers Necessary To Maintain Streams’ Quality

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