Natural Lands Trust Seeks Volunteers For Tree-Planting Party Nov. 8 In Media

The Natural Lands Trust is seeking volunteers for a tree-planting party on November 8 along Crum Creek on the Hildacy Farm Preserve in Media.

Crum Creek is the leading drinking water source for Delaware County residents and was designated a Special Protection Stream by the Department of Environmental Protection?

One of the very best ways to improve the creek’s water quality is to take better care of the land around it, known as the “riparian buffer.” Trees and other plants in this area filter the nutrients and sediments transported by surface and groundwater flowing into the creek. Native trees also provide shade and food that benefit fish and other aquatic species.

This event is suitable for adults and kids ages 8 and up.  Pre-registration is encouraged.

For more information, visit the Tree Planting Party webpage or call Debbie Beer at 610-353-5587 ext. 266 or email her at:   (Photo: Beth Pilling)


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