Senate Majority Leader Does Not Rule Out January Session Before Corbett’s Term Ends

Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman (R-Centre) told an interviewer for WHP-TV, as reported by, he is not ruling out a lame-duck January legislative session while Gov. Corbett is still in office to move important legislation.

In the same interview, Sen. Corman was cool to Gov.-Elect Wolf’s proposal for a natural gas severance tax and income tax increase proposals saying the state needs to look for savings and other efficiencies before a tax can be considered as a last resort.

Corman said pension reform is a top priority for the General Assembly.

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) issued this statement about the possibility of a lame-duck legislative session in January--

“The suggestion by the incoming Senate majority leader that the General Assembly engage in a lame-duck session in January – to take advantage of Gov. Corbett’s last days in office – is inappropriate, unprecedented and inexcusable.  The citizens have spoken and they have chosen a different governor with new ideas to move Pennsylvania forward.

“The ill-conceived idea to empower and use an unaccountable governor in his last days in office to revive already rejected policies would be viewed as an act of desperation and a serious blow to reform.  I would be very surprised if Gov. Corbett would allow himself to be used by Republican leadership in this way.

“The voters of Pennsylvania spoke loudly and clearly that they wanted Gov. Wolf to work with lawmakers on solutions, not to perpetuate gridlock.  The idea that a January lame-duck session would be productive is ludicrous and counter to any conceivable measure of good government.”


Corman: We’re Not Ruling Out Early January Session

Sen. Costa Blasts Suggestion Of Lame Duck January Session

GOP Eyes Window For Action Before Wolf Takes Over

Editorial: GOP Leaders Should Hold Legislation


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