Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PUC Reminds Consumers To Prepare For Cold Weather, Review Conservation Tips

With frigid temperatures forecasted for many areas of the state this week, the Public Utility Commission Tuesday reminded consumers to prepare for the cold weather by reviewing conservation and safe heating tips.

Severe cold temperatures put extra demands on utility systems, but energy conservation helps. Try these energy-saving tips:

— Instead of turning up the heat, add an extra blanket or sweater, if your health permits.

— Use a programmable thermostat and set it to lower the temperature at night or whenever the house is unoccupied.

— Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible. This includes overhead doors on attached garages.

— Seal off unused rooms. Close the floor or wall registers and return air vents, and keep the doors closed in those areas.

— Open south-facing window curtains, drapes and blinds during the day. Close coverings at night to keep the heat in.

— Weatherstrip and caulk windows.

For additional energy conservation tips, visit the PUC website.

Home Heating Safety Tips

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than one-fifth of residential fires are related to the use of supplemental room heaters, including wood- and coal-burning stoves, kerosene heaters, gas space heaters and electric heaters, so before you put logs on the fireplace or plug in the electric heater, take some precautions.

Also, never use an oven or stove to help heat your home. For a list of home heating safety tips, visit the PUC website.

Residents are reminded to check on neighbors, especially the elderly. If someone is without heat-related utility service, help them call their local utility to obtain information about programs available to help them restore and maintain utility service.

Consumers with a seriously ill resident in the house or a protection from abuse order may have additional options for service restoration. Consumers should call their utility first. If they are unable to reach an agreement with the utility, the PUC may be able to provide assistance. The PUC can be reached toll-free at 1-800-692-7380.

Since October, the PUC has been reminding consumers to “Prepare Now” for high energy costs this winter. The PUC’s message is simple: Prepare Now for winter energy costs. Learn more about conservation. Check your electric and natural gas bills and supplier contracts.

Use to shop for service. Look into programs that help low-income customers maintain service.

For more helpful information, visit the PUC’s Prepare Now webpage or call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380 or #PrepareNow on Twitter.


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