Public Participation Opportunities/Calendar Of Events
This section lists House and Senate Committee meetings, DEP and other public hearings and meetings and other interesting environmental events. NEW means new from last week. [Agenda Not Posted] means not posted within 2 weeks of the advisory committee meeting. Go to the online Calendar webpage for updates. February 16 -- CLOSED. Presidents’ Day - State and Federal Offices Are Closed. February 17-- NEW. Senate Appropriations Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 279 (Hutchinson-R-Venango) creating the PA Grade Crude Development Advisory Council within DEP (sponsor summary). Rules Room. Off the Floor. February 17-- NEW. Senate Transportation Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 385 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) creating a Transit Revitalization Investment District (sponsor summary). Room 8E-A East Wing. 10:30. February 17-- NEW. Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 201 (Schwank-D-Berks) allowing the the location of agriculture-related business on preserved farmland (sponsor summary). Room 8E-A East Wing. Noon. February 17-- CANCELED. Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice) February 17-- Agenda Posted. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. -- Presentation on Act 54 Underground Mining Impact Report, DEP, University of Pittsburgh -- Illegal Dumping In PA: Policies & Programs For Prevention and Enforcement -- Acting DEP Secretary John Quigley -- Click Here for February DEP Report To Council <> Click Here for available handouts. February 17-- DEP public hearing on operating permit for Sunoco pump station in Lebanon County. Quentin Volunteer Fire Company Hall, 20 South Lebanon St., Lebanon. 7:00. February 18-- Agenda Posted. DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30. -- Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards -- Ionic Composition of PA Reference Streams -- Stroud Study: Impact of Sulfate on Mayflies -- Nutrient Assessment Protocol -- Atlantic Watersheds Warm Water Wadeable Fish Index of Biotic Integrity -- Implementation of Act 162 of 2014 changing stream buffer requirements <> Click Here for available handouts. February 19-- NEW. Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, holds a press conference on reintroduction of legislation expanding the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards, funding the Sunshine Solar Program and reducing demand for energy. Capital Media Center. 11:00. February 23-- House Consumer Affairs Committee informational meeting on water and wastewater industries. Room 60 East Wing. 11:00. February 24-- UGI Energy Services public meetings on Sunbury natural gas pipeline. Lairdsville Volunteer Fire Department, 143 School Lane, Lairdsville, Lycoming County. 5:30. February 25-- NEW. House Consumer Affairs Committee meets to consider House Bill 57 (Payne-R-Dauphin) relating to improving natural gas retail competition by providing a more frequent mechanism for truing up natural gas costs (sponsor summary). Room 39 East Wing. 9:00. February 25-- DEP public meeting on Keystone Landfill expansion permit. Dunmore High School, 300 West Warren St., Dunmore, Luzerne County. 6 to 10 p.m. Click Here for more information. February 25-- DEP public meeting, hearing on NPDES, Waste Management permits for the Wellsboro Johnston Airport expansion. The public meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., followed by the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. at the Wellsboro Fire Department Annex, 21 East Ave., Wellsboro. Click Here for more information. (formal notice - PA Bulletin page 458) February 25-- UGI Energy Services public meetings on Sunbury natural gas pipeline. Sunbury Social Club, 352 East Drive, Sunbury, Northumberland County. 5:30. February 25-- Penn State Extension Green Infrastructure Webinar: Ecosystem Services By Green Infrastructure. Noon. February 26-- NEW. Sustainable Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge Workshop. Westmoreland County Community College Advanced Technology Center, 1333 Old 119, Tarrs, PA. 8:30. March 2-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Legislative Air And Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. Presentation by Brian Wagner, PA Council of Trout Unlimited. Room 8E-A East Wing. noon. March 3 -- Governor’s Budget Address. (tentative) March 3-- Agenda Posted. DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. -- Update On: Federal UST Regulations, Guidelines for UST Cathodic Protection, UST Operator Training Compliance, Significant Operational Compliance, TOS Extension Approvals, USTIB Allocation Requests, Land Recycling Program- Draft Chapter 250, Revisions to Vapor Intrusion Guidance -- Committee Recommendation On Chapter 250 <> Click Here for available handouts. March 4-- NEW. House Game and Fisheries Committee information meeting to receive the Fish and Boat Commission’s annual report. Room B-31 Main Capitol. 9:00. March 5-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. March 5-- NEW. Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting to consider: (1) informational presentation of interest to the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin area; (2) revision of Fiscal Year 2016 budget; (3) ratification/approval of contracts/grants; (4) resolution to encourage the use of dry cooling technology for power generation and other facilities for the conservation of the waters of the Susquehanna River Basin; (5) notice for Four Seasons Golf Course project sponsor to appear and show cause before the Commission; (6) regulatory compliance matter for Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation; and (7) Regulatory Program projects. Hershey Lodge, 325 University Drive, Hershey. 9:00. March 8-- NEW. Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Assn. Make Your Yard A Sustainable Landscape. Penn State-Brandywine Campus, Media, Delaware County. 2:00. March 9-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 10:00- Independent Fiscal Office/Economic & Revenue Outlook. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 11-- NEW. House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 2:30- Department of Agriculture. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 10-- DEP Board of Coal Mine Safety meeting. DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg. 10:00. March 10-- DEP Webinar on Act 162 Stream Buffer Implementation: 10:00- Riparian Buffer Equivalency, 1:00- Riparian Buffer Offsets March 11-- DEP Webinar on Act 162 Stream Buffer Implementation: 10:00- Riparian Buffer Equivalency, 1:00- Riparian Buffer Offsets. March 11-- Change. House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Public Utility Commission, 11:00- PUC Consumer Advocate and Small Business Advocate, 1:00- Department of Environmental Protection, 3:00- Public Utility Commission. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 11-- DEP Certification Program Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. March 11-- DEP Laboratory Accreditation Advisory Committee. Bureau of Laboratories Building, 2575 Interstate Dr., Harrisburg. 9:30. March 16-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Governor’s Budget Office, 1:00- Independent Fiscal Office. Hearing Room 1 North Office Building. March 16-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 1:30- Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 17-- Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. March 17-- DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. March 18-- DEP State Board for Certification of Sewage Enforcement Officers meeting. Room 11B Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. March 19-- DEP Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Board. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. March 23-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Public Utility Commission. Hearing Room 1 North Office Building. March 23-- NEW. House Game and Fisheries Committee informational meeting to receive the Game Commission annual report. Room 60 East Wing. 10:00. March 24-- DEP Sewage Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:30. March 25-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Dept. of Environmental Protection. Hearing Room 1 North Office Building. March 25-- Change. House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Emergency Management Agency, 11:00- Department of Agriculture. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 26-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 9:30- Budget Secretary-Office of the Governor, 1:00- House Member Testimony. Room 140 Main Capitol. March 31-- NEW. House Consumer Affairs Committee informational meeting to hear presentations from the electric and natural gas industries on priorities. Room 60 East Wing. 9:15. March 31--Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 3:00- Dept. of Agriculture. Hearing Room 1 North Office Building. April 1-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing: 11:00- Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources. Hearing Room 1 North Office Building. April 2-- DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. April 2-- DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. April 8-- DEP Technical Advisory Committee on Diesel-Powered Equipment meeting. DEP New Stanton Office, 131 Broadview Road, New Stanton. 10:00. April 13-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Conservation Committee to hear a presentation by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA on the economic benefits of cleaning up the Bay. LTBA. Noon. April 15-- DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. April 16-- DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15. April 21-- DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. April 22-- DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. April 22-- DEP Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee meeting. 12th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. April 23-- DEP Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. April 29-- DEP Mine Families First Response and Communications Advisory Council meeting. DEP Mining Office, 131 Broadview Rd., New Stanton. 10:00. May 6-- 2015 Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium. Ramada Inn Conference Center, State College. May 6-8-- PA Association of Environmental Professionals Annual Conference. Toftrees Resort, State College. May 7-9-- PA Land Trust Assn. PA Land & Water Conservation Conference. Wyndham, Gettysburg. May 13-15-- DEP and Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania 2015 Pennsylvania Brownfields Conference. Erie Bayfront Convention Center, Erie. May 19-- DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board meeting. Delaware Room, 16th Floor, Rachel Carson Building. 8:30. May 28-- DEP Certification Program Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. June 3-- DEP Coastal Zone Advisory Committee meeting. 10th Floor Conference, Rachel Carson Building. 9:30. June 9-- DEP Board of Coal Mine Safety meeting. DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg. 10:00. June 24-- DEP Laboratory Accreditation Advisory Committee. Bureau of Laboratories Building, 2575 Interstate Dr., Harrisburg. 9:30. July 22-- DEP Certification Program Advisory Committee for Water and Wastewater Systems Operators meeting. 14th Floor, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice) September 24-- DEP Recycling Fund Advisory Committee & Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. October 2-- DEP Low-Level Waste Advisory Committee. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. October 28-30-- 2015 Partnership for Safe Water 2015 Water System Optimization Conference hosted by the Pennsylvania Section American Water Works Association. Visit DEP’s Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process. DEP Regulations In Process Proposed Regulations Open For Comment - DEP webpage Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods - DEP webpage Recently Finalized Regulations - DEP webpage DEP Regulatory Update - DEP webpage DEP Technical Guidance In Process Draft Technical Guidance Documents - DEP webpage Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage Recently Closed Comment Periods For Technical Guidance - DEP webpage Technical Guidance Recently Finalized - DEP webpage Copies of Final Technical Guidance - DEP webpage Other DEP Proposals For Public Review Other Proposals Open For Public Comment - DEP webpage Recently Closed Comment Periods For Other Proposals - DEP webpage Other Proposals Recently Finalized - DEP webpage Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages. Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget. The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website. Senate Committee Schedule House Committee Schedule You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online. Add Green Works In PA To Your Google+ Circle |
2/16/2015 |
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