This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
March 27-- PECO/Natural Lands Trust Green Region Grants
March 27-- NEW. Game Commission Seedlings For Schools Program
March 31-- Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference Film Festival
March 31-- DEP Host Municipality Waste Inspector Reimbursement Grants
March 31-- Delaware Highlands Conservancy Yeaman Student Scholarship
March 31-- DEP Clean Diesel Grants
April 1-- NEW. Northeast Audubon Camp Scholarships
April 5-- DCNR ECO Camp, Students Interested In Environmental Careers
April 10-- NEW. Delaware Highlands Conservancy Gorder Student Scholarship
April 10-- PA American Water Protect Our Watersheds Student Art Contest
April 10-- National Park Service-Chesapeake River Access Grants
April 10-- Chesapeake Bay Foundation Save The Bay Photo Contest
April 10-- NEW. Sustainable Pittsburgh Cash Mob
April 15-- DEP Small Business Advantage Grants (or until funds run out)
April 15-- Recycling Partnership Municipal Recycling Grants
April 15-- Gloria Barron Prize For Young Heroes Nominations
April 16-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants
May 21-- DCNR Volunteer Firefighting Grants
June 30-- CFA Watershed Restoration Protection Grants
June 30-- CFA Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Grants
June 30-- CFA Baseline Water Quality Data Grants
June 30-- CFA Orphan or Abandoned Well Plugging Grants
June 30-- CFA Sewage Facilities Grants
June 30-- CFA Flood Mitigation Grants
June 30-- CFA Greenways, Trails and Recreation Grants
June 30-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates (or until rebates run out)
July 10-- PROP Recycling Film Festival
July 30-- TreeVitalize Inventory, Planting Grants
September 12-- PPFF State Parks and Forests Through The Season Photo Contest
September 30-- DEP Recycling Performance Grants
October 31-- PA Resources Council Lens On Litter Photo Contest
-- Visit the DEP Grants and Loan Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
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