Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PUC Seeks Comments On Manual Used To Assess Energy Efficiency Savings

The Public Utility Commission Thursday sought comments on proposed updates to the Technical Reference Manual, which is used to assess energy savings attributable to energy efficiency and demand response measures for the implementation of the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act (AEPS Act) and the energy efficiency and conservation provisions of Act 129 of 2008.

The Commission voted 5-0 to seek comments on the proposed changes. Comments are due within 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, with reply comments due 10 days thereafter.

Written comments should be sent to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Attn: Secretary, P.O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Interested parties may also e-file comments.

Initially established in March 2005, the TRM is updated periodically in order to keep pace and remain relevant and useful as experience and technology related to energy efficiency increases.

The AEPS Act specifically required the Commission to develop standards for tracking and verifying savings from energy efficiency, load management and demand-side management measures.

Generally, AEPS requires that a certain percentage of all electric energy sold to retail customers be derived from alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biomass and demand-side management resources.

The law applies to both electric distribution companies (EDCs) and electric generation suppliers (EGSs), which must demonstrate their compliance on an annual basis.

Act 129 expanded the PUC’s oversight responsibilities and imposed new energy efficiency and conservation requirements on EDCs with at least 100,000 customers, with the overall goal of reducing energy consumption and/or demand.

For more information, visit the PUC’s Act 129 webpage.


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