PEC Accepting Applications For Pocono Forest & Waters Conservation Mini-Grants

The PA Environmental Council is now accepting applications for Pocono Forest and Waters Conservation Landscape Mini-Grants through June 15.

A total of $60,000 in grant funding is available. All mini-grants require a 50/50 match. PEC and DCNR encourage any municipality, council of governments, registered Pennsylvania nonprofits, county conservation districts, or learning institutions to consider projects that may fit the grant criteria.

Grants can be for projects which-

-- Identify important natural landscape areas for acquisition, easements;

-- Engage communities to protect, enhance and conserve natural, outdoor recreational resources; and

-- Create trail connections.

Funding is provided through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

For mini-grant guidelines and applications, visit PEC’s Pocono Forest and Waters Conservation Landscape Mini-Grants webpage.


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