Scrapbook Photo 09/09/24 - 120 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Ten Voting Days Left Before Christmas!
Thank a Veteran This Veterans' Day

The House and Senate are now scheduled to be in voting session 10 days between now and their Christmas/New Year break.

Although the two-year session will only be half done and no legislation will die at the end of this year, a number of environmental bills are pending that could see further action. Here’s a quick rundown.

Recycling Fee: House Bill 1902 (Rubley-R-Chester) eliminating the sunset date on the $2/ton Recycling Fee and requiring Recycling Performance Grants to be used for local recycling and waste reduction efforts. In the House Appropriations Committee.

Environmental Education: Senate Bill 410 (MJ White-R-Venango) to establish the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education in law. Tabled in the House.

California Car Standards: House Bill 2141 (Geist-R-Blair) which would prohibit the Department of Environmental Protection from adopting the current California vehicle emission standards is on the House Calendar for action.

Open Space Preservation: House Bill 87 (Steil-R-Bucks) further authorizing local governments to preserve open space through the waiver of certain service fees. On the Senate Calendar for action.

Sewer/Water Connection Funding: House Bill 1108 (Rubley-R-Chester) would establish the Water and Wasterwater Connection Funding Program within PennVEST. In the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

Eminent Domain: There are four bills in the Senate making changes to the Eminent Domain Code in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo -- Senate Bill 881 (Piccola-R-Dauphin) and Senate Bill 897 (Brightbill-R-Lebanon) both now in the Senate Appropriations Committee and just arrived are House Bill 2019 (Grell-R-Cumberland) and House Bill 2054 (Grell-R-Cumberland).

Adopt-A-River Program: House Bill 1051 (Sturla-D-Lancaster) establishing the Adopt-a-River Program in the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Tabled in the House.

Uniform Environmental Covenants: House Bill 1249 (Rubley-R-Chester) would establish uniform language in covenants relating to the cleanup of brownfield sites to protect the integrity of cleanup methods and ensure ongoing monitoring responsibilities. In House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

Federal Reclamation Fund: House Resolution 382 a concurrent resolution urging Congress to reauthorize the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund is on the House Calendar. The Senate must also pass for it to be in effect.

Forestry Task Force: Senate Resolution 137 (Madigan-R-Bradford) re-establishing the Forestry Task Force supported by the Joint Legislative Air & Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. On the Senate Calendar.

Sewage Task Force: House Resolution 88 (Hutchinson-R-Venango) establishing a Sewage Management and Treatment Task Force supported by the Joint Legislative Air & Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. On the Senate Calendar.

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Session Schedule

The Senate and House return to session on November 14.

As of now, the House session schedule for the remainder of the year looks like this: November 14, 15, 21, 22 and December 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14.

On the Hill

· On the Senate/House Agenda

· House Committee to Hear From DEP on Energy Policy

· Environmental Issues Forum Features Kittatinny Ridge, Bird Area Projects

Other News

· PUC Chairman Urges Consumers Eligible for LIHEAP to Apply Now

· PUC Proposes Rules for Connecting Small Renewable Energy Generators to Grid

· Candidates Wanted for Green Advantage Construction Training in Delaware Valley

· Green Building Market Will Reach $10-$20 Billion Over Next 5 Years

· DOE Offers Free Energy Assessments, New Website to Promote Energy Savings

· EPA Grant to Help Reduce Diesel Emissions at Port of Philadelphia

· Watershed News Features Info on Grants, Training, Smart Growth Tools

· EPA Watershed Academy Stormwater Phase II Webcast November 16

· 2006 Keystone Coldwater Conference Set for February 24 & 25

· West Branch Susquehanna River TMDL Kick Off Meeting November 15

· New Water Resources Education Network Newsletter Now Online

· Drinking Water Plant Operator Training Set, Online Training Available Anytime

· Put Radon Testing On Your Fall “To Do” List

· “El medio ambiente y su salud” -- Asma

· November Environmental Education Newsletter Now Available Online

· Applications For Ralph W. Abele College Scholarships Due April 5


· Blacklick Creek Assn. Still Going Strong, 13 Watershed Projects and Counting

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