Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Budget Impasse Week 4: Looked A Lot Like Week 3 Or Week 2 Or Week 1

House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) Monday raised the specter of bringing Gov. Wolf’s veto of the Republican-passed budget up for a veto override vote during remarks at the Pennsylvania Press Club.

Although he said it was just an option, just bringing the veto up for an override vote would again put pressure on House Democrats to either support Gov. Wolf or side with those school districts and others suffering through the lack of funding, but still providing services.

House and Senate Democrats and several media outlets continued on that last theme this week by starting to outline the impact of the budget impasse on counties, nonprofits and others trying to get some leverage with the public to move the process along.

And hitting closer to come, the four legislative caucus are running down their own funding reserves to pay member and staff salaries and other costs, so much so that Speaker Turzai said there are starting to be inquiries on whether the House or Senate or both could get a line of credit to tide themselves over until the budget is settled.

For his part, Gov. Wolf traveled to State College to visit with Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman (R-Centre) and House Majority Leader David Reed (R-Indiana) for more budget talks, this time away from Harrisburg.

While he still remains positive saying there is “progress,” precious little actual agreement is evident from their discussions.

The budget impasse does not affect the West Nile Virus surveillance or mosquito spraying operations, but it did mean an end to spraying for Black Flies on June 30, those annoying gnats.

If nothing else drives negotiators back to the budget table, perhaps all the gnats will!

Meanwhile, week 5 begins…..


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Budget Impasse Affects Gnat Control

Speaker Turzai Threatens Veto Override Vote

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John Baer: Message From The State Budget Mess

Dems Support Wolf, Urge End To Budget Impasse

Wolf, GOP Making Progress On Budget Talks

Dems Warn Of Consequences If Budget Impasse Continues

Pennsylvanians Starting To Feel Budget Squeeze

House Republicans Say Wolf Must Face Budget Reality


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