Scrapbook Photo 09/30/24 - 130 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Highlights Of Suburban Philadelphia Delaware Watershed Tour

On August 6, the PA Environmental Council and the Upstream Suburban Philadelphia Cluster partners organized a watersheds tour for William Penn Foundation staff focusing on the Foundation’s Delaware River Watershed Initiative.

The tour demonstrated the challenges and opportunities associated with DRWI restoration programs ongoing in the five watersheds surrounding the city of Philadelphia.

Tour participants visited stormwater management and watershed restoration project sites, and heard from municipal, non-profit, university, and watershed resident stakeholders regarding issues related to improving and restoring these urbanized streams.

The tour guide book and the related handouts provided by presenters during the tour are post below. Please feel free to download and review.

Summaries of Each Document:

-- Philadelphia Tour Brochure: Examples of watershed restoration projects including those visited during the tour and others ongoing or proposed.

-- Village Circle Basin Retrofit Design: Design for stormwater basin retrofit scheduled for fall 2015 construction in Whitpain Township, Wissahickon Watershed.

-- Abington TMDL Projects Key: List and location map for projects included by Abington Township in their Total Maximum Daily Load plan for reducing sediment loading to Sandy Run, Wissahickon Watershed.

-- Aug. 6 Villanova Handout: Summary of Villanova’s monitoring and modeling program in the headwaters of Jenkintown Creek, TTF Watershed.

-- TTF Temple Handout: Summary of Temple University monitoring in the TTF Watershed

-- AFS Pollutant Removal Map: Summary of Temple University estimates of sediment and phosphorus pollutant reduction efficiency for restoration projects at Abington Friends School, TTF Watershed.

You can contact Susan Myerov, PEC’s Program Director for Watersheds, or Paul Racette, Program Manager for Watersheds, with questions or comments at 215-545-4570, or by  email to: or

Visit PEC’s Blog page for regular updates and sign up for a monthly update on activities and programs.


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