Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
F&M Poll: Voters Hold Legislature More Responsible For Budget Stalemate Than Wolf

A new poll released Thursday by Franklin and Marshall found 54 percent of registered voters surveyed held the General Assembly responsible for the current budget stalemate, while 29 percent held Gov. Wolf responsible.

More voters trust Gov. Wolf to make budget decisions-- 42 percent-- than the General Assembly-- 39 percent, although those numbers are closer than what you might expect given who voters think is responsible for the stalemate.

The poll was taken before this week’s failed attempt by House Republicans to override parts of Gov. Wolf’s budget veto.

Gov. Wolf’s own job performance rating remained mostly unchanged since June at 39 percent, 61 percent among Democrats.  This is lower than the 45 percent found in the Quinnipiac Poll earlier this week.


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