Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition 20th Anniversary Celebration Oct. 10

Join the Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition October 10 for a full day of events at the Jennings Environmental Education Center in Butler County as the Coalition celebrates its 20th Anniversary! This event is open to the public and free of charge!

The sojourns will take place at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will begin at the Jennings Center to arrange transportation and carpooling to the put-in. Two short kayak sojourns on the Slippery Rock Creek for adults and children ages 14 and up (with adult) will showcase the water quality and new projects along the route.

Abandoned mine drainage passive treatment system tours to sites throughout the watershed, which will include activities for adults and children, will also take place at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will also begin at Jennings.

Registration is required for the kayak sojourns and passive treatment system tours. Some kayaks will be available on request.

Other activities at Jennings throughout the day (that do not require registration) will include a "Watershed Science Lab" with hands-on, fun, activities for children and families, and shorter stream and wetland explorations at Jennings.

For more information, call 724-794-6011 or send email to:


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