EPA Awards Allentown $400,000 Brownfields Grant

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday announced $400,000 in supplemental funding to the city of Allentown to support an ongoing brownfields cleanup project at the Allentown Metal Works Site.

The Allentown Revolving Loan Fund grant is one of 31 supplemental brownfields grants totaling $13.2 million that EPA announced today for brownfields projects that are already receiving revolving loan funds and have a successful cleanup project underway.

“These funds will help the Allentown community continue its successful brownfields cleanup work and redevelopment of the Allentown Metal Works site,” said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. “EPA's Brownfields Program empowers communities like Allentown and other stakeholders to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields.”

As a previous recipient of brownfields revolving loan funds, Allentown has already overseen the removal of drums, transformers and contaminated soil from the 17-acre site at 606 South 10th St., Allentown. 

The supplemental funding will help increase the scope of the work to also include the abatement of lead-based paint, asbestos and other wastes.

EPA’s Revolving Loan Fund provides a level of funding for cleanups that may not be available through traditional financing options or through other brownfields grants, serving as the gap financing needed to jump-start the redevelopment process. 

The supplemental funds help keep the cleanup momentum going so that more cleanups can be completed.

For more information, visit EPA’s Brownfields Program or Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants webpages.


Allentown Metal Works Site Gets $400K EPA Grant


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