Senate/House Bills Moving
The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate-- House Blocking Regulations: House Bill 965 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) further providing for review of regulations and policies by the General Assembly was referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill now goes to the Senate for action. Water/Wastewater System Valuation: House Bill 1326 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) further providing for the valuation of water and wastewater systems was amended on the House Floor, referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration. Capital Facilities Debt: House Bill 930 (Toohil-R-Luzerne) creates an annual cap of $125 million for Capital Facilities Debt for redevelopment assistance projects was referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House. A House Fiscal Note and summary are available. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration. House Bill 928 (Mentzer-R-Bedford) reduces the overall limit on Capital Facilities Debt from $3.45 billion to $2.95 billion was amended and reported from the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House. A House Fiscal Note and summary are available. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration. |
10/26/2015 |
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