PEC’s First PA Environmentalist Looks At Conservation Through Cooperation

The inaugural issue of The Pennsylvania Environmentalist from the PA Environmental Council examines PEC’s brand of advocacy embodied in the simple phrase, “Conservation Through Cooperation.”

For 45 years, Conservation Through Cooperation has been the guiding principle behind PEC’s mission and has distinguished it from virtually every other environmental advocacy organization, not only in Pennsylvania, but nationally.

It has earned PEC a reputation as an honest broker of ideas and opened doors to dialogue between disparate parties in a wide range of environmental debates between deeply-entrenched opponents.

To casual observers and the uninitiated, PEC’s mantra has sometimes been conveniently misinterpreted as a pseudonym for “pro-industry,” or worse. But there’s no denying its influence in successfully finding solutions to otherwise unsolvable environmental problems.

To be sure, PEC’s track record in getting opposing points of view to cooperate for the common good on such intractable issues as hazardous waste, brownfield development, unconventional natural gas drilling, water quality, and a host of others is both long and undeniable.

It’s an uncommon, if not extraordinary strategy for bringing about environmental change, and one that other environmental nonprofit organizations have set as the standard.

In this issue of The PA Environmentalist, we hear from a variety of voices reflecting on PEC’s approach to protecting and restoring the environment.

Click Here to read the entire issue.

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