This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
November 3-- Prudential Spirit Of Community Student Awards
November 6-- DCNR 2016 Trail Of The Year
November 20-- DEP Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grants
November 20-- NEW. Luzerne County Recreation, Conservation Project Grants
December 1-- Governor’s Awards for Local Government Excellence
December 1-- Youth Garden Grants
December 18-- Coldwater Heritage Partnership Grants
December 18-- DEP Environmental Education Grants
December 31-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Vehicle Rebates
January 1-- DEP Small Business Advantage Grants (first-come, first-served)
January 15- DCNR/PRPS Green Parks Awards
January 15-- Bowman’s Hill Preserve Land Ethics Awards
March 1-- Southwest Clear The Air Student Poster Challenge
April 13-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Program
May 31-- NEW. $2K Scholarships By National Assn. Of Abandoned Mine Land Programs
-- Visit the DEP Grants and Loan Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
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