Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PEC TV: Environmental Focus Polluted Stormwater In PA’s Waterways, PCN Dec. 20

On average, Pennsylvania receives over 40 inches of precipitation each year, but in some areas, all it takes is one-tenth of an inch to cause polluted stormwater to overflow into municipal sewer systems.

The steps being taken throughout Pennsylvania to keep stormwater in check and reduce the flow into natural waterways is the topic of this month’s edition of “Environmental Focus,” the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s monthly environmental affairs television program.

The show will air on the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN) on Sunday, December 20 at 4 p.m. and will include featured guest Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery), Majority Chair of the House Local Government Committee.

Following Rep. Harper’s interview, a roundtable discussion will feature Kate Keppen, Watershed Coordinator of the Berks County Conservation District; Three Rivers Wet Weather Executive Director John Schombert; and Sue Myerov, PEC’s Program Director for Watersheds.

Rep. Harper and the roundtable will discuss how they and others are working to help over 950 Pennsylvania municipalities with permitted stormwater and wastewater sewer systems comply with state and federal clean water standards.

Previous editions of “Environmental Focus” have featured topics such as outdoor recreation on Pennsylvania’s waterways, Pennsylvania’s state budget, the DEP Pipeline Infrastructure Taskforce, and the Delaware River Conservation Program with guests such as Department of Environmental Protection Secretary John Quigley, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn, and Andrew Johnson of the William Penn Foundation.

Visit Here to past episodes of “Environmental Focus” PEC-TV program.

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