Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Gov’s Schedule/ Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

Bill Calendars

House (???): House Bill 48 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) setting standards for drinking water well construction; House Bill 530 (Reese-R-Somerset) Education Code bill with much of the “agreed-to” language still remaining, but with changes; House Bill 544 (Moul-R-Adams) further providing for liability protection for landowners who open their land for recreation (sponsor summary); House Bill 1327 (Peifer-R-Pike) Fiscal Code bill with “agreed-to” budget language restored, plus some extras; House Resolution 60 (Emrick-R-Northampton) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a comprehensive review of the state’s program to regulate the beneficial use of sewage sludge; Senate Bill 385 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) updating and improving the Transit Revitalization investment District; Senate Bill 307 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) providing for an independent counsel for the Environmental Quality Board; Senate Bill 811 (Hughes-D-Philadelphia) FY 2015-16 Capital Budget bill; Senate Bill 1071 (Browne-R-Lehigh), the “agreed-to” pension reform bill; Senate Bill 1073 (Browne-R-Lehigh) “agreed-to” $30.8 billion General Fund budget bill.  <> Click Here for full House Bill Calendar.

Senate (???): Senate Bill 201 (Schwank-D-Berks) authorizing the leasing of property in the Clean and Green Program to a rural enterprise (sponsor summary); Senate Bill 805 (Boscola-D-Lehigh) allowing an Act 129 opt-out for large electric users (sponsor summary); House Bill 57 (Payne-R-Dauphin) further providing for natural gas competition (sponsor summary).  <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar.

Committee Meeting Agendas This Week

House:   <>  Click Here for full House Committee Schedule.

Senate:   <>  Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule.

Bills Pending In Key Committees

Here are links to key Standing Committees in the House and Senate and the bills pending in each--




Environmental Resources and Energy

Consumer Affairs

Gaming Oversight

Human Services


Liquor Control


Links for all other Standing House Committees



Environmental Resources and Energy

Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Community, Economic and Recreational Development



Law and Justice

Public Health and Welfare


Links for all other Standing Senate Committees

Bills Introduced

The following bills of interest were introduced this week--

DEP Permit Tracking: Senate Bill 1092 (Vogel-R-Beaver) required DEP to create an online permit tracking system available to applicants for tracking the status of permit applications, including notice to permit holders 60 days before their permits expire (sponsor summary).  Note: DEP already has this system available to everyone, including applicants created in 2001.  They are called eFACTS environmental compliance tracking system and the eNOTICE systems, but the current systems do need significant updating.  No funding for adding features to the systems is provided in the bill.

Session Schedule

Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House--


Senate is on a 6-hour call.


House is on a 6-hour call.

Governor’s Schedule

Gov. Tom Wolf's work calendar will be posted each Friday and his public schedule for the day will be posted each morning.   Click Here to view Gov. Wolf’s Weekly Calendar and Public Appearances.


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