The Nature Conservancy Awards 4 Philly Schools Nature Works Everywhere Grants

The McCall School, New Foundations Charter School, Tilden Middle School and the Penn Alexander School were the recipients four of the 50 Natural Works Everywhere grants from The Nature Conservancy this week.

The grants are designed to connect students to a global challenge—to understand and protect the natural systems that produce our food, water, clean air and energy.

Thanks to generous support from Lowe’s and The Walt Disney Company, The Nature Conservancy expanded the program this year to offer grants nationwide, and more than doubled the number of grants awarded in previous years.

The grants help students and teachers address conservation challenges in their communities by implementing natural solutions. School gardens will serve as outdoor science learning labs while achieving positive conservation outcomes which address multiple issues, including storm water retention, increasing biodiversity and pollinator habitat, and improving community green spaces.

“For our planet to prosper in the future, we need to ensure that we’re empowering young conservationists today,” said Brigitte Griswold, Director of Youth Engagement Programs for The Nature Conservancy. “Building gardens gives students, teachers and community volunteers the opportunity to come together and take action to address environmental issues that affect them right in their own neighborhoods.”

Each garden also provides a living learning laboratory for environmental science education at the schools. Each school receives materials and instructions to engage students and local volunteers in building a garden, as well as resources to incorporate standards aligned environmental science lessons focused on the garden throughout the academic year.

“We are honored to present these schools with Nature Works Everywhere gardens grants,” said Angela Brisson, manager of the Nature Works Everywhere program for The Nature Conservancy. “Educational gardens provide the opportunity for valuable hands-on learning that grows into a lifelong appreciation for the environment and conservation.”

Visit Here to see all the grants awarded.

For more information on programs, initiatives and special events in Pennsylvania, visit The Nature Conservancy-PA webpage.  Click Here to receive regular updates from TNC-PA.


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