PA In The Balance, Strategies To Meet Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Commitments March 1-3

The Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center, DEP and other partners are hosting Pennsylvania In The Balance on March 1-3 in Hershey to bring together leaders in the agriculture and environmental community to identify innovative solutions to meeting Pennsylvania’s commitments to cleaning up its portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Impacts to water quality from excess nutrients and sediment are among the most complex and pervasive environmental problems faced today, not only in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania but across the nation and the globe.

In the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Pennsylvania is faced with finding a path forward to meet requirements of the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for nutrients and sediment.

Pennsylvania agriculture plays a critical role in solving these challenges. Any solution must balance the Commonwealth’s interests in a vibrant agricultural sector, local water quality, and finite state and federal resources.

Following the January 21 announcement of Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay reboot strategy, the goal of this conference is to provide a collaborative forum to identify new, innovative solutions that can help us ensure vibrant, productive agriculture while meeting water quality goals for the Commonwealth’s rivers and streams and the Chesapeake Bay. 

While this discussion is focused on the Chesapeake Bay, we are hoping that this leads to statewide opportunities as well.

Click Here for a tentative agenda for the Conference.

To register or for more information, visit the Pennsylvania In The Balance webpage.

For more information on programs, initiatives and other special events, visit the Penn State Agriculture and Environment Center webpage.   Click Here to sign up for updates from the Center.

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