University Faculty Learn To Teach About Energy Efficiency At DEP-Funded Course

Nine university faculty attended a free three-day workshop this week at The Navy Yard in Philadelphia to learn how to instruct a course titled "Leadership in Building Energy Efficiency."

The workshop is for participants to return to their respective higher education institutions and teach modules from the class or the whole course, which focuses on the identification of low and no-cost energy saving opportunities in commercial buildings via a process called “re-tuning.” 

Re-tuning is a systematic process that identifies operational problems by leveraging data collected from a building walk-down and correcting those problems at no- or low-cost. 

The course introduces the topics of energy management through no-cost and low-cost operational measures in the following major focus areas: lighting, building envelope, hot water/steam systems, HVAC, compressed air, indoor environmental quality and plug loads.

Development of the course by Penn State's Architectural Engineering faculty was funded through DEP's U.S. Department of Energy State Energy Program funds.  The workshop itself was also paid for via Community Environmental Project penalty funds.

For more information, visit DEP’s Energy Efficiency and Pollution Prevention webpage.

(Reprinted from the May 26 DEP NewsClick Here to sign up for your own copy.)


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