This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
July-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal And Wind Grants
July-- CFA High Performance Building Grants
July 8-- ARIPPA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Grants
July 8-- PROP Recycling Film Festival
July 12-- NEW. Central PA Business Journal 40 Under 40 Awards
July 14-- Philadelphia Green Stormwater Infrastructure Innovation Challenge
July 31-- Keep PA Beautiful Fresh Paint Days PA Grants
August 12-- PA House Authority Marcellus Shale Area Housing Improvement
September 13-- PPFF State Parks & Forests Thru The Seasons Photo Contest
September 16-- NEW. Western PA Conservancy TreeVitalize Pittsburgh Grants
September 1-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal And Wind Grants
September 1-- CFA High Performance Building Grants
October 21-- PEMA Fire Company/Emergency Services Grants
October 31-- PA Resources Council Lens On Litter Photo Contest
December 31-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates (or until 250 rebates paid)
December 31-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants
-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.
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