Senate Committee OKs EHB’s Krancer, Trib Strategy and AML Resolutions

Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee recommended approval of the re-appointment of Michael L. Krancer to the Environmental Hearing Board and reported out resolutions dealing with the Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy and federal mine reclamation funding.

House Resolution 382 (Frankel-D-Allegheny) urging Congress to reauthorize the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund was also amended and then adopted by the full Senate. Since it is a concurrent resolution, it now goes back to the House for a concurrence vote; and

Senate Resolution 207 (Vance-R-Cumberland) urging DEP to place a nine month moratorium on implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy was reported out after a technical amendment and now goes to the full Senate for action.

Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango) chairs the Senate Environmental Committee along with Sen. Ray Musto (D-Luzerne) who is Democratic Chair.


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