Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
POWR Stream Signage Project a Success, Over 4,000 Placed

The Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers completed a three-year project to coordinate the placement of signs at 4088 stream crossings throughout Pennsylvania.

The purpose of the project, which was funded by a grant from the Department of Environmental Protection was to make people aware of streams, which play an essential role in Pennsylvania’s environmental, social and economic vitality.

"DEP was pleased to sponsor the Stream Signage project because we believe the signs are a simple and effective way of raising awareness of water resources, and awareness is the first step in stewardship," said DEP Secretary Kathleen A. McGinty.

“POWR thanks PennDOT and the Resource Conservation & Development Councils for making the project a success,” said Judy Jordan, POWR’s Executive Director. She said that highway safety and the sheer number of different authorities that must participate in a project of this magnitude presented special challenges.

POWR worked closely with Penn DOT and the RC&Ds, who in turn coordinated with 450 municipalities to complete the installations. In all, 45 counties and over 1,500 roadways received stream identification signs at road crossings where the public may never have been aware that they were driving over a waterway.

Although it is difficult if not impossible to measure the effects on viewers, these stream signs have garnered public attention.

"Thanks to the Stream Signage Program, I have become more aware of the streams, both in my community and in other parts of the state. Realizing my proximity to these waterways heightens my interest and brings to light the effects I could have on them," said Katie Ferree, of the Conococheague-Antietam Creeks Watershed in Franklin County.

Demand for the stream signs continues. Five municipalities noticed the signs and contacted POWR to submit requests after the three rounds of manufacturing and installation had been completed and the funds expended.

For more information about the PA Stream Signage project, please contact Judy Jordan at 717-234-7910 or

(courtesy Watershed Weekly)


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