Westmoreland “Stay Warm PA” Workshop Set for January 30

More than 300 Westmoreland County nonprofit organizations, whose mission it is to help low-income families and senior citizens, were invited to a “Stay Warm in PA” workshop on January 30 to hear about services available to help with winter heating issues.

The workshop will be held in the Commissioner’s Hall of Westmoreland County Community College starting at 8:30 a.m. and will run to noon.

Representatives from the Department of Public Welfare’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Columbia Gas, Allegheny Power and Conservation Consultants Inc. will provide information on energy assistance, weatherization programs and low-cost ways to conserve energy and save money.

The workshop is sponsored by Columbia Gas.

To learn about assistance programs, weatherization resources and energy conservation ideas, visit www.StayWarmPA.com .


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