Summer PA Women Of Trout Unlimited Newsletter Now Available

The Summer edition of the Pennsylvania Women Of Trout Unlimited newsletter is now available from the PA Council of Trout Unlimited featuring articles on--

-- Take Our 2016 Women’s Initiative Survey For TU

-- Click Here For Upcoming Events For PA Women Of Trout Unlimited

-- Back Issues Of The National Women In TU Newsletter For June and August Are Available.

For more information on this initiative, contact Kandy Weader, PATU Women’s Initiative Coordinator by sending email to:

Also check out the PA Women Of Trout Unlimited Facebook page.


Fish Commission License Sales See Positive Trend

Fall Hawk Migration On Close-Up Display At Hawk Watches

AP: Bald Eagle Crippled By Leg Trap In Central PA

Editorial: National Aviary Helps To Preserve A Species

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