Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DCNR: Tom Ford Director Of Recreation, Lauren Imgrund Conservation Services Deputy

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn has named Lauren Imgrund, Deputy Secretary for Conservation and Technical Services and Tom Ford as Director of the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.

Since beginning at DCNR in 2006, Lauren Imgrund held several important roles, including managing the Conservation Landscapes Program and Director of the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.

She has more than 25 years of experience in building collaborative partnerships to develop place-based solutions and strategies for land conservation, outdoor recreation, community revitalization, and natural resource conservation.

Imgrund also served as a Recreation and Parks advisor; and prior to DCNR she was the director of the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring at Dickinson College, and assistant executive director of the Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation.

Tom Ford joined DCNR in 2007 as chief of the Regional Services Division. 

In that position he led the bureau’s six regional offices; championed and implemented the bureau’s information technology transformation; and represented DCNR on a number of federal program workgroups.

Prior to DCNR he served as the director of Policy and Planning and chief of staff at the Fish and Boat Commission.

DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation builds connections between citizens and the outdoors through recreation enhancement, natural resource conservation and community revitalization efforts.

It also partners with communities and organizations across Pennsylvania to provide grants and technical assistance support for local recreation projects, trails, and greenways, heritage parks, open space, and river conservation and environmental education programs.

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(Reprinted from the November 9 DCNR Resource newsletter.  Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)


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