Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Central PA Conservancy Grant Supports Outreach To Private Woodland Owners

The Central PA Conservancy was recently awarded a grant to help private forest landowners in the South Mountain Landscape Area-- Cumberland, Franklin and northern York counties-- on how to plan for future succession, look at conservation options and strategies and prevent conversion to development uses.

The Conservancy will be working with Penn State’s Center for Private Forests and the Cumberland County Woodland Owner’s Association on implementing an outreach program and developing an event at the Ironmaster’s Mansion in May.

The proposed project seeks to educate landowners within the South Mountain about conservation options and build relationships and support for protecting and stewarding our region's remaining woodlands.

The goal is to engage landowners in the long-term process of conservation, and ultimately, protect large-acre wooded lots, lands adjacent to existing protected lands, trail systems, as well as critical water resources.

About 65 percent of land in Cumberland County is privately owned and 25 percent of that portion is considered woodlands (consisting mostly of small woodlots, riparian corridors, steep slopes, etc.).  Only 45 parcels have over 100 acres of woodland.

Often, land is converted to development uses because of a failure to plan for the future, and a lack of knowledge of conservation options and their associated income and estate tax benefits.

For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Central PA Conservancy website, send email to: or call 717-241-4360.


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[Posted Nov. 29, 2016]


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