Scrapbook Photo 01/20/25 - 128 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Green Ribbon Commission Set to Meet Next Week

The 26-member Green Ribbon Commission is set to meet for the first time October 13 to begin discussions on an environmental funding proposal. The Commission is made up of members of the Senate, House and the Rendell Administration. Senator Mary Jo White and Rep. Bill Adolph will chair the meeting.

The July 4 letter from Senate Majority Leader David J. Brightbill (R-Lebanon) and House Majority Sam Smith (R-Jefferson) to Gov. Rendell setting up the Commission outlined its charge like this—

“The Commission, working with the Administration, will study state programs impacting the environment, as well as various proposals for enhanced funding to address environmental problems, preserving farmland and open space, reducing abandoned mines, and cleaning hazardous sites.

“This Commission will develop recommendations for possible program consolidation and improvements, along with possible legislation and the identification of necessary funding for environmental initiatives. Along with consideration of a dedicated funding source, the Commission will evaluate the benefits of a bond issuance and other funding vehicles.”

“This initial meeting will consist of members more clearly defining the parameters of the commission’s goals,” said Sen. White. “I expect a quality discussion among the members that will help determine our agenda. Once we establish our objectives we can begin to gather information from all interested parties and take a comprehensive look at how we can best improve our state’s environmental future.”

“The commission provides an excellent opportunity for legislators from all four caucuses as well as the administration to get together and discuss how we can better focus state funding on worthwhile programs that will make a difference in the environment in Pennsylvania,” said Rep. Adolph.

Here’s a recap of the membership….

Senate Republicans- 5: Senate Majority Leader David J. Brightbill named Sen. Mary Jo White (Venango), Majority Chair Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee and Senators Wenger (Lancaster), Madigan (Lycoming), Thompson (Chester), and Erickson (Delaware). Brightbill is an ex-officio member.

Senate Democrats- 6: Senate Minority Leader Robert Mellow named Sen. Ray Musto (Luzerne), Democratic Chair Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee and Senators Kasunic (Somerset), Kukovich (Westmoreland), Kitchen (Philadelphia), Connie Williams (Montgomery), and Ferlo (Allegheny).

House Republicans- 8: House Majority Leader Sam Smith named Rep. William Adolph (R-Delaware), Majority Chair House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, and Representatives Argall (Schuylkill/Berks), Rubley (Chester), Hutchinson (Venango), Ross (Chester), Miller (York), Harper (Montgomery), and Richard Stevenson (Mercer). Smith is an ex-officio member.

House Democrats- 4: House Minority Leader Bill DeWeese named Rep. Bud George (Clearfield), the Democratic Chairman of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, Representatives Surra (Elk), Leach (Montgomery) and Levdansky (Allegheny).

Rendell Administration- 3: Kathleen McGinty, secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection; Michael DiBerardinis, secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; and Roy Kienitz, deputy chief of staff to the governor.

NewsClip: After the Election, Environment Gets Green Light

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