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Apply For DCNR Conservation Partnership, Riparian Buffer Grants Starting Jan. 23

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will begin accepting applications for the next round of Community Conservation Partnership Grants January 23.  The grant round closes April 12. (formal notice)

The grant program focuses on planning, acquisition, and development activities associated with conservation areas, community parks, trails, river conservation and recreation-- and new this year-- riparian buffer areas.

DCNR set these priorities for this grant round--

-- Community parks and recreation: Priority projects in this category include planning and development projects that focus on rehabilitation of existing parks or promote health and wellness through innovative partnerships;

-- Land conservation: Priority projects in this category include land conservation projects that protect critical habitat, forested watersheds, wetlands and riparian corridors, or create critical connections between public lands;

-- Rivers implementation: Priority projects in this category include projects that enhance public access to the Commonwealth's waterways or projects that improve the Commonwealth's watersheds including the planting of riparian forest buffers; and

-- Trails: Priority projects in this category include projects that close priority trail gaps as well as projects that rehabilitate or upgrade existing trails.

For grant guidelines, priorities and more, visit DCNR’s Community Conservation Partnership Grant webpage.  DCNR’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Regional Advisors can also be helpful in the grant process or call DCNR Grants Customer Service at 1-800-326-7734 or send email to:


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[Posted: Jan. 20, 2017]


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