DEP Seeks Bids On Acid Mine Drainage Plant To Restore Over 20 Miles Of Stream In Cambria County
In an effort to restore land and water quality and increase economic development, the Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation Wednesday announced it is seeking construction bids for a centralized plant to treat acid mine drainage (AMD) in Cambria County. “We’re undergoing a major remediation project in a forward thinking manner by using treated water to enhance stream quality and by redeveloping a brownfield,” said Acting DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. “This project is an example of transforming Pennsylvania’s legacy environmental damage into an overall net benefit to the region and Commonwealth.” Currently, three underground mine pools—Cresson No. 9, Gallitzin Shaft, and Argyle Stone Bridge—discharge acid mine drainage into Trapp Run, Bradley Run, and Sugar Run. Upon completion, the Cresson AMD Treatment Plant will improve water quality by eliminating these discharges and restoring approximately 15 miles of Clearfield Creek and six miles of Sugar Run. The plant will be capable of treating roughly 6.3 million gallons per day and will discharge treated water into Trapp Run, which is a tributary to Clearfield Creek. The treatment plant will significantly improve water quality in the upper reaches of the watershed and also have the capacity to supplement flow to the Susquehanna River Basin during low flow periods. “The Cresson AMD Treatment Plan project represents our commitment to environmental stewardship while generating economic opportunities,” added McDonnell. DEP estimates on-site construction, production and fabrication will yield 40 to 50 temporary jobs and two to three permanent positions to operate and maintain the plant upon completion. The Cresson AMD Treatment Plant site is located on a reclaimed coal refuse pile in Cresson Township. The entire 23-acre footprint of the project extends into Sankertown Borough and Gallitzin Township in Cambria County and Allegheny Township in Blair County. Bidding Information DEP is seeking construction bids, which are due April 6, 2017. More information on this bid solicitation is available on the state’s eMarketplace website. [Posted: March 8, 2017] |
3/13/2017 |
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