Keep Erie County Beautiful Becomes Newest Keep America Beautiful Affiliate
On March 1, Keep Erie County Beautiful became the 12th Keep America Beautiful affiliate in Pennsylvania. The certification of this new affiliate marked the culmination of a public-private-civic partnership process that began in May 2016. Cecile Carson, Keep America Beautiful’s Vice President/Litter and Affiliate Relations, indicated that Keep Erie County Beautiful initiated the process by conducting Keep America Beautiful’s Community Appearance Index, which is done to gather data annually by surveying a random, statistical sample of roadways. Keep Erie County Beautiful based its CAI on city, town and rural watersheds and link the problem of litter to possible marine debris. The annual results will be used to develop a local plan to change attitudes and behaviors regarding litter, recycling, beautification, and related issues. Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper says, "We have government, business, nonprofits and private citizens all coming together and when we combine our resources, we'll be able to make better things happen. We look forward to increasing our collective impact, strengthening strategic partnerships, and expanding our volunteer networks.” “Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful congratulates and welcomes Keep Eire County Beautiful. By affiliating with Keep America Beautiful, Keep Erie County Beautiful will have access to all the tools, resources and program opportunities KAB has to offer,” explained Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. The organization will be a program of the Erie County Department of Planning and coordinated through the Erie County Recycling Program. The group’s overall strategic plan for the next three years includes litter control, improving recycling and combating illegal dumping. Keep Erie County Beautiful is housed at the Erie County Department of Planning. Brittany Prischak serves as the affiliate coordinator and can be reached at 814-451-7326 or by sending email to: For more information on programs, initiatives and special events, visit the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful website. Click Here to sign up for regular updates from KPB, Like them on Facebook, Follow on Twitter, Discover them on Pinterest and visit their YouTube Channel. Also visit the Illegal Dump Free PA website for more ideas on how to clean up communities and keep them clean and KPB’s new Electronics Waste website. Sign up now for the 2017 Great American Cleanup of PA and set up your own cleanup and beautification event through May 31. (Photo: Shannon Reiter, Keep PA Beautiful President, Brittany Prischak, Keep Erie County Beautiful Coordinator and Cecile Carson, Vice President/Litter and Affiliate Relations Keep America Beautiful.) NewsClips: State Agencies Seek Volunteers To Help Keep PA Litter-Free Funding Woes Could Dissolve Recycling Program In Blair County Gannon U. In Erie To Host March 14 Lecture On Plastic Pollution [Posted: March 7, 2017] |
3/13/2017 |
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