This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
April 12-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants Close
April 14-- Schuylkill Student Street Art Contest
April 15-- DCNR Environmental Careers Summer Camp
April 15-- Philadelphia Sustainable Business Tax Credit
April 17- Schuylkill River Restoration Fund Land Transaction Grants
April 19-- SBA Economic Damage Disaster Loans In 5 Southwest Counties
April 21-- NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program Grants
April 26-- Green Building Alliance Western PA Emerald Awards
April 30-- Northeast PA Audubon Society College Scholarship
May 1-- NEW. PEC/DCNR Pocono Forests & Waters Initiative Grants
May 3-- NEW. Renewal Of NRCS Conservation Stewardship Contracts
May 3-- PennVEST Water Infrastructure Funding
May 9-- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Chesapeake Bay Grants
May 12-- NEW. DEP PA State Clean Diesel Grant Program
May 12-- CFA Solar Generating Equipment Loans
May 12-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding
May 12-- CFA Solar Energy Program
May 12-- CFA High Performance Building Program
May 18-- DCNR Volunteer Fire Company Wildfire Fighting Grants
May 26-- PennAg Industries College Scholarships
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Water-Related, Recreation Grants
May 31-- Abandoned Mine Land Programs Assn. College Scholarship
May 31-- NEW. PROP/Keystone SWANNA Waste Watcher Recognition Program
June 1-- DEP Vehicle Fleet Owner Alternative Fuels Technical Assistance Program
June 2-- Great American Cleanup Of PA Video Contest
June 4-- Goddard Leadership Legacy Institute For Youths 13-15
June 5-- NEW. NRCS PA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Restoration Grants
June 30-- Susquehanna Greenways Partnership 2017 Photo Contest
July 14-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding
July 14-- CFA Solar Energy Program
July 14-- CFA High Performance Building Program
August 18-- SBA Flood Disaster Economic Injury Assistance In Northcentral PA
September 5-- SBA Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Economic Injury NC PA
September 7-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Thru The Seasons Photo Contest
September 15-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding
September 15-- CFA Solar Energy Program
September 15-- CFA High Performance Building Program
September 30-- DEP Recycling Performance Grants
October 31-- PA Resources Council Lens On Litter Photo Contest
-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.
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