Gov. Wolf Requests Formal FEMA Damage Assessment For NE PA Snowstorm

Gov. Tom Wolf announced Monday the PA Emergency Management Agency has requested a formal federal Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment in search of federal aid for costs related to last month’s severe snowstorm in Northeastern PA.

Gov. Wolf plans to request a Presidential Declaration of Disaster Emergency pending the formal assessment.

“We are asking the federal government to formally review damage costs to determine if counties and communities in the Northeast may be eligible for federal aid,” Gov. Wolf said. “PEMA has worked hand-in-hand with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) since the storm began and will continue to make every effort towards getting a Presidential Declaration to get federal aid to these communities.”

Preliminary estimates supplied by counties to PEMA and reviewed informally by FEMA suggest the region may not reach thresholds but the formal FEMA review will confirm whether or not the federal government will reimburse counties and communities.

However, even if formal assessments also do not show counties meeting the threshold, Governor Wolf may still request a Presidential Declaration in hopes that the severity of the storm may grant northeast Pennsylvania special status to get relief.

Related Story:

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[Posted: April 10, 2017]


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