3rd Annual PA Solar Summit May 9, Solar Advocacy Day May 10 In Harrisburg

The PA Solar Energy industries Association, Solar Unified Network of Western PA and Environmental Entrepreneurs-E2 will host the 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Solar Summit on May 9 at the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center, 1110 N. Third Street in Harrisburg.

At the summit, speakers will review current legislative and policy issues, provide an update about solar initiatives occurring in Pennsylvania, participate with the Department of Environmental Protection's Finding Our Solar Future Project to collect your expertise for this visioning process to increase solar energy to 10 percent in Pennsylvania, and more.

Participants will also be provided with advocacy information to prepare for our Lobby Day on the morning of May 10 when we will visit legislators at the Capitol to ask their support for solar.

Engaging with policymakers is an important process that lifts up the voice of your business to encourage the adoption of policies that benefit your company, your employees, and your customers.

For more information and to register, visit the PA Solar Summit calendar page.


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[Posted: May 5, 2017]


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