Scrapbook Photo 09/09/24 - 120 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate-- 


Steel Slag Waste Exemption: House Bill 938 (Evankovich-R- Allegheny) exempting steel slag from the definition of waste under Act 97 was reported out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House.  A House Fiscal Note and summary is available.  The bill now goes to the Senate for action.

Wind Power In Ag Security Areas: House Bill 187 (Sonney-R-Erie) authorize wind power generating systems in Agricultural Security Areas was removed from the Table, referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House.  A House Fiscal Note and summary are available.  The bill now goes to the Senate for action.

USTIF Board: House Bill 290 (Metzgar-R-Bedford) changing the members of the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification (Insurance) Board to include legislative appointments was passed by the House.  A House Fiscal Note and summary is available.  The bill now goes to the Senate for action.

Noxious Weeds: House Bill 790 (Pashinski-D-Luzerne) establishing the Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee (sponsor summary) was removed from the Table, amended on the House Floor and referred to the House Appropriations Committee.

Local Stormwater Fees: House Bill 913 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by incorporated towns (sponsor summary) (amended), House Bill 914 (Everett-R- Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by boroughs (sponsor summary), House Bill 915 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by first class townships (sponsor summary), House Bill 916 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by Cities of the Third Class (sponsor summary) were reported from the House Local Government Committee and Tabled.

Natural Gas Vehicle Weight: House Bill 603 (Metzgar-R-Bedford) exempting heavy duty natural gas-fueled vehicles from weight limits (sponsor summary) was reported from the House Transportation Committee and Tabled.

Removing SRBC Employees From State Pension: House Bill 922 (Tallman-R-Adams) removing future employees of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission from the state employees pension system (sponsor summary) was reported out of the House State Government Committee and Tabled.

Rainforest Awareness Month: House Resolution 152 (Donatucci-D-Delaware) recognizing May as Rainforest Awareness Month was adopted by the House (sponsor summary).

CBF 50th Anniversary: House Resolution 231 (Everett-R-Lycoming) recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Founding was adopted by the House (sponsor summary).

Arbor Day: House Resolution 255 (Marsico-R-Dauphin) designating April 28 as Arbor Day was passed by the House (sponsor summary).

Bike To Work Week: House Resolution 301 (Dean-D-Montgomery) designating May as Bike Month, the week of May 15-19 as Bike To Work Week and May 19 as Bike To Work Day in Pennsylvania was adopted by the House (sponsor summary).

Lyme Disease Month: House Resolution 316 (Baker-R-Tioga) recognizing May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month was passed by the House (sponsor summary).


USTIF Board: Senate Bill 143 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) changing the makeup of the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Board to include legislative appointments (sponsor summary) was passed by the Senate and now goes to the House for action.

Eliminate Sunset On Recycling Fee: Senate Bill 646 (Killion-R-Delaware) would eliminate the January 1, 2020 sunset date on the $2 per ton recycling fee (sponsor summary) was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Alternative Onlot Systems: Senate Bill 144 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) amending Act 537 ton include alternative on-lot sewage systems in sewage plans (sponsor summary) was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

General Assembly Approval of Regulations: Senate Bill 561 (DiSanto-R-Dauphin) requiring legislative approval of regulations with an economic impact of $1 million or more was reported out of the Senate Rules Committee without changes.  The bill is now on the Senate Calendar for action.  (Click Here for more background.)

Construction Code: Senate Bill 269 (Baker-R- Luzerne) changing the process for updating the PA Construction Code (sponsor summary) was reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.

Penalties For Littering: Senate Bill 431 (Scavello-R-Monroe) increasing fines for littering (sponsor summary) was amended and reported from the Senate Transportation Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.

Lyme Disease Awareness Month: Senate Resolution 105 (Greenleaf-R-Montgomery) designating May Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Awareness Month was adopted by the Senate (sponsor summary).

CBF 50th Anniversary: Senate Resolution 110 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Founding was adopted by the Senate.


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